Monday, May 9, 2011

It got worse

So, after the whole escapade with my ex-boyfriend, I met the ex of the girl he cheated on me with. We became friends, then better friends, then we started dating. I moved in with him. Now, I recently discovered, that he has been using mental manipulation on me for our entire relationship, even when we were just friends, and I feel foolish for being susceptible to it. Also I have proof that he is cheating/planning to cheat on me. He reads a book called "The Master's Guide To Seduction," and takes notes, and copies a mantra out of t religiously. I found this while he was at work, and read part of it, and became sick to my stomach. God only knows how many others he has done this to. He said to a friend that "it's been scary effective" on all of his test subjects so far. HMMMM.....I wonder who he has been testing it on? Oh wait....that's right. Me. Awesome. FML.